Use this form for any tests your doctor recommends, such as blood tests, urine tests, or X-rays. General questions What is the name of the test? Why do I need this test? What might happen if the test is delayed or not done? How accurate is the test? Are there other tests that are more accurate? How much does the test...
Discusses how to work with your doctor, how to prepare for different types of appointments, and what to do after appointments. Includes questions to ask about recommended tests and treatments.
Provides links that give tips, like making the most of your appointment and getting better care at lower costs. Also includes links on understanding lab results and deciding whether to get a flu vaccine.
Provides links to information about drug and alcohol misuse. Includes info on substance misuse in teens and adults and resources for cutting back or stopping drug and alcohol use.
Provides links to how-to information about physical activity for everyone. Includes info on walking for wellness, reducing back pain, and healthy weight.
Many people are affected by mental health problems such as depression or panic disorders. These problems can make it harder to think clearly, manage how you feel, and work with other people. Sometimes you may feel helpless and hopeless. But you're not alone. Talking with others who suffer from these problems may help...
Education on type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes. Includes info on juvenile diabetes and prediabetes. Discusses symptoms and treatment. Also looks at how to manage blood sugar levels, diet, and medicines, including insulin.
If you're struggling with drug or alcohol addiction, you're not alone. Visit Kaiser Permanente to learn about recovery & get the help you need to be healthy.
Pain can be caused by many things, such as an injury, a surgery, or a health problem like low back pain or cancer. Long-term pain that isn't controlled can make it harder to enjoy life. But there are ways you can learn to manage pain. And managing pain can have a lot of benefits, like being able to do more activities or...
Provides links to information about high blood pressure. Describes what blood pressure is, high blood pressure's effect on health, and how high blood pressure is treated. Has links to lifestyle changes and medications used to treat high blood pressure.