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  • Keep your heart healthy to prevent heart disease. Kaiser Permanente can help you make healthy lifestyle choices and get personalized support from your doctor.
  • Looking for labor and delivery hospitals near you? Review all maternity hospitals available to Kaiser Permanente members and choose the right one for you.
  • All medicines can cause side effects. Many people don't have side effects. And minor side effects sometimes go away after a while. But sometimes side effects can be a problem or can be serious. If you're having problems with side effects, talk to your doctor. Your doctor may be able to lower your dose or change to a...
  • An autopsy is a thorough medical exam of a body after death. It may be done to learn about a disease or injury. Or it may be done to find out how or why a person has died. An autopsy is done by a doctor called a pathologist. This type of doctor is an expert in examining body tissues and fluids. Family members may ask...
  • Easily find information on many medical conditions and health topics — including colds and flu, chronic conditions, heart health, and sleep problems.
  • A living will, also called a declaration, tells your family and doctor your wishes when you can't speak for yourself. It's used to describe treatment you want as you near the end of your life or if you get seriously hurt or ill. You can change or cancel your living will at any time. How a living will is used Keep these...
  • Reading food labels Most packaged foods have a Nutrition Facts label. This will tell you how much sodium is in one serving of food. Here are some tips to help you. Look at both the serving size and the sodium amount. Food labels list the amount of sodium for each serving. The serving size is located at the top of the...
  • A pain diary may help you and your doctor find out what makes your pain better or worse. Use the diary and pain scale below to keep track of when you have pain, how bad it is, and what you are doing to treat it. This figure has been reproduced with permission from the International Association for the Study of Pain®...
  • Doctors use the KOH preparation test to find out if you have a fungal infection. This kind of infection can happen in various parts of the body, such as the skin, nails, mouth, or vagina. KOH is the abbreviation for potassium hydroxide, the solution that is used in the test.
  • You can most accurately pinpoint your ovulation day by monitoring your cervical mucus, your basal body temperature (BBT), and your luteinizing hormone (LH) changes. During the 5 to 6 days before and on the day of ovulation, the cervix produces a type of mucus that is stretchy, slippery, thin, and clear. This quickly...
  • A culture is a test to find germs (such as bacteria or a fungus) that can cause an infection. A sensitivity test checks to see what kind of medicine, such as an antibiotic, will work best to treat the illness or infection. For a culture, a sample of body fluid or tissue is added to a substance that promotes the growth...
  • A viral test is done to find infection-causing viruses. Viruses grow only in living cells. Viruses cause disease by destroying or damaging the cells they infect, damaging the body's immune system, changing the genetic material ( DNA) of the cells they infect, or causing inflammation that can damage an organ. Viruses...
  • Discusses test used to find cause of a sore throat. Covers conditions caused by fungal or bacterial infection. Covers how test is done. Looks at what results might mean.
  • A urine culture is a test to find germs (such as bacteria) in the urine that can cause an infection. Bacteria can enter through the urethra and cause a urinary tract infection (UTI). A sample of urine is added to a substance that promotes the growth of germs. If no germs grow, the culture is negative. If germs grow, the...
  • An ear exam can find problems in the ear canal, eardrum, and the middle ear. During an ear exam, a tool called an otoscope is used to look at the outer ear canal and eardrum. The otoscope has a light, a magnifying lens, and a funnel-shaped viewing piece with a narrow, pointed end called a speculum.
  • Coombs tests are done to find certain antibodies that attack red blood cells. Antibodies are proteins made by the immune system. Normally, antibodies bind to foreign substances, such as bacteria and viruses, and cause them to be destroyed. The following conditions cause antibodies to be made. Transfusion reaction Human...
  • Tests for erection problems can help you find out why you can't have or maintain an erection. This problem is called erectile dysfunction, or impotence. It's a common problem. Most erection problems are caused by a mix of blood vessel, nerve, or psychological issues. To find the cause, your doctor will first ask about...
  • Adults with asthma At times, you may find it hard to manage your asthma and stay with your treatment plan. If you're having trouble, it may help to figure out what's getting in your way. Then you can decide how to work around those barriers. Here are some common barriers people face when following a plan and some ideas...
  • Lung cancer screening is a way to find some lung cancers early, before a person has any symptoms of the cancer. Lung cancer screening may help those who have the highest risk for lung cancer—people age 50 and older who are or were heavy smokers. For most people, who aren't at increased risk, screening for lung cancer...
  • During his career, Bob couldn't find time for exercise. He worked hard and traveled a lot for his job. Fast-food meals were a way of life on the road, and he was overweight. At age 59, he had a heart attack. Then, 5 years later, he had quadruple bypass surgery. A few years after the surgery, he found out he had...
  • A stool culture is a test on a stool sample to find germs (such as bacteria or a fungus) that can cause an infection. A sample of stool is added to a substance that promotes the growth of germs. If no germs grow, the culture is negative. If germs that can cause infection grow, the culture is positive. The type of germ...
  • A skin or wound culture is a test to find germs (such as bacteria, a virus, or a fungus ) that can cause an infection. A sample of skin, tissue, or fluid is added to a substance that promotes the growth of germs. If no germs grow, the culture is negative. If germs that can cause an infection grow, the culture is...
  • Blood and urine are often tested to find the cause of health problems. But other body fluids also can be tested. Most of these fluids help organs and joints—and the membranes around them—move smoothly. Sometimes a health problem can cause too much fluid to build up in part of the body. The fluid can be tested to look...
  • A viral culture is a test to find viruses that can cause an infection. A sample of body fluid or tissue is collected and added to certain cells used to grow a virus. If no virus infects the cells, the culture is negative. If a virus that can cause infection infects the cells, the culture is positive. The type of virus...
  • Find the compression landmark. Kneel next to the person. Use your fingers to locate the end of the person's breastbone, where the ribs come together. Place two fingers at the tip of the breastbone. Place the heel of the other hand right above your fingers (on the side closest to the person's face). Stack your other hand...
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