Many people are affected by mental health problems such as depression or panic disorders. These problems can make it harder to think clearly, manage how you feel, and work with other people. Sometimes you may feel helpless and hopeless. But you're not alone. Talking with others who suffer from these problems may help...
Provides links to information about various types of environmental illnesses, including lead and carbon monoxide poisoning. Also includes links to tips on reducing environmental pollutants in the home.
Provides links to topics on how to eat well. Topics cover nutrition. Offers healthy eating and physical activity tips. Includes info on healthy weight and healthy eating for children.
Now that you're carrying precious cargo, you're probably wondering how to keep your baby safe during your pregnancy. Here are a few pregnancy dos and don'ts.
Links to information on colds and flu. Covers at-home treatment for cold and flu symptoms, the flu vaccine, prevention of colds and flu, and medicines for the flu.
Provides links to information about digestion and digestive health. Includes info about heartburn, constipation, gas and bloating, ulcers, diverticulitis, and gallstones.
Provides links to info for parents. Includes information on healthy eating, protecting your child from infections, immunizations, choosing child care, healthy habits for kids, helping your child avoid drugs, and helping your child with stress.
Education on type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes. Includes info on juvenile diabetes and prediabetes. Discusses symptoms and treatment. Also looks at how to manage blood sugar levels, diet, and medicines, including insulin.
If your baby is overdue, you're probably getting tired — of being pregnant, and of waiting to meet the baby. We'll keep an eye on you starting at 40 weeks.
Provides links to info about types of headaches and treatment. Covers tension and migraine headaches. Covers avoiding migraine triggers. Includes info to guide you through decision to take or not take medicines to prevent migraines.
Print this form and fill in the information if your doctor recommends that you have a surgical procedure. General questions What is the name of the surgical procedure? Why do I need surgery? How soon should surgery take place? What might happen if I delay or avoid the surgery? What results should I expect from the...
In bringing baby home from the hospital, there are things to know. Each state requires a blood test, and there are other tests and procedures to consider.
Covers the basics of obesity. Discusses health risks such as hypertension related to having excess body fat. Focuses on lifestyle changes you can make, like healthy eating and exercise. Includes information on weight-loss medicines and surgery and on creating a long-term plan with your doctor.