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  • Traveling safely with diabetes
  • Lab tests play an important role in your health care. They help your doctor make a diagnosis or treatment decisions. But they may not provide all of the information that your doctor needs. Your doctor will not usually make a decision or diagnosis based only on the results of a lab test, unless the test results are...
  • Are you concerned that someone you know may have depression? Depression is a mental health condition that makes a person feel sad, lose interest in things they used to enjoy, and withdraw from others. It's more than normal sadness, grief, or low energy. Most people with depression need some type of treatment. Counseling...
  • After getting approval from several expert groups, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the following immunization schedule for children. You can view it online at: www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/index.html.
  • This is the U.S. Department of Agriculture's official seal for organic food. The seal and the word "organic" can be displayed on organic foods. Use of the seal is voluntary, so some organic foods may not have it. Picture of the organic food seal adapted from the USDA National Organic Program. Available online...
  • Deciding to make healthy changes is a big step. Maybe you're feeling hopeful, excited, and ready for the change. Or maybe you're nervous or worried that you'll let yourself and others down if you don't succeed. You're not alone. Many people feel these emotions when they're thinking about change. It's common. And it can...
  • An at-home genetic test is a test you do you yourself. You can buy the test at a store or online. The test kit will include instructions on how to do it. But in general: You'll collect a sample. This is usually a saliva sample, a swab from inside your cheek, or a blood sample. You might have to go to a local lab to...
  • Cardiac rehabilitation (rehab) typically includes an outpatient program. This program is one part, or phase, of your cardiac rehab. You will likely take part in a supervised exercise program. You will receive information and tools to have a heart-healthy lifestyle, such as: Not smoking. Healthy eating. Staying at a...
  • What is radiation? Radiation is energy that travels as a wave or particle. Some types of radiation can be harmful. This is called ionizing radiation. Radioactivity is ionizing radiation that is given off by things like uranium as they decay. About half of the ionizing radiation we're exposed to comes from nature. It's...
  • "I was so scared when the doctor told me I had emphysema. I was afraid to go anywhere or do anything. "Someone told me to go online and connect with a support group. I did, and it literally changed my life. I was pretty shy at first, and all I did was read what everyone else was writing. Then one day I was having...
  • An advance directive is a form. It describes the kinds of medical care you want to have if you're badly hurt or have a serious illness and can't speak for yourself. A living will (declaration) and a medical power of attorney (durable power of attorney for health care) are types of advance directives. It may be hard to...
  • What are your options for medical care? Today your options for where to get your medical care are greater than ever before. You may not even have to leave your home to get the care you want and need. You can choose based on what your health problem is and what works best for you. And you don't have to use one option for...
  • What is an environmental illness? An environmental illness can occur when you are exposed to toxins or substances in the environment that make you sick. These health hazards may be found where you live, work, or play. Maybe you have headaches that only occur on weekends. Or maybe you began to feel sick and got a rash...
  • What is Down syndrome? Down syndrome is a genetic condition. It affects childhood growth and development. People who have it may share similar features and health issues. They may learn to talk later than other children and have some intellectual disability. But every person's experience is different. And everyone with...
  • What are outpatient services? Outpatient services are medical procedures or tests that can be done in a medical center without an overnight stay. Many procedures and tests can be done in a few hours. Outpatient services include: Wellness and prevention, such as counseling and weight-loss programs. Diagnosis, such as lab...
  • Guided imagery is a program of directed thoughts and suggestions that guide your imagination toward a relaxed, focused state. You can use an instructor, online videos, or scripts to help you through this process. Guided imagery is based on the concept that your body and mind are connected. Using all of your senses, your...
  • What is alcohol use disorder? Alcohol use disorder means that a person drinks alcohol even though it causes harm to themselves or others. It can range from mild to severe. People with this disorder may find it hard to control their alcohol use. Over time, drinking too much alcohol may cause health problems, like liver...
  • Bullying is acting in ways that scare or harm another person. Kids who bully usually pick on someone who is weaker or more alone, and they repeat the actions over and over. Bullying can happen at school, on the bus, in the neighborhood, by text, or online. Using technology to bully is called cyberbullying. The types of...
  • If you are angry or hostile or you have violent behavior, it is important to find help. Actions done in moments of anger can be harmful. You can learn ways to manage your feelings and actions. If you are having trouble managing angry feelings, the following resources can help. Behavioral Health Treatment Services...
  • This article explains what virtual care (telemedicine) is, when and how it's used, and what the risks are.
  • If you’re new to Kaiser Permanente, we’ll help you get set up. Find a doctor, transfer your prescriptions, and register on kp.org.
  • Learn the basics about getting started with teletherapy.
  • These are answers to some common questions from members about getting care at Kaiser Permanente.
  • Looks at forming a partnership with your doctor to manage your care. Suggests taking an active role by asking questions about treatment choices and costs, learning on your own, and prepping for office visits. Offers questions to ask when choosing a doctor.
  • Covers causes and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Looks at how treatment can help and steps you can take. Discusses most effective treatments—counseling and antidepressant medicines. Includes stories from others in their own words.
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