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  • Physical therapists are health professionals who evaluate physical problems and injuries, then provide education and treatment to promote health and physical function. Physical therapists also develop programs that include exercise and stretching to increase fitness and prevent injury. A physical therapist provides...
  • Physical therapy is treatment to improve mobility (such as walking, going up stairs, or getting in and out of bed), to relieve pain, and to restore physical function and overall fitness. The physical therapist uses exercise, manual therapy, education, and modalities such as heat, cold, and electrical stimulation to work...
  • Water exercise uses water for resistance. It also may be called water therapy, pool therapy, aqua therapy, or aquatics. It's good exercise for many people who have osteoarthritis, back pain, or fibromyalgia. It's often used to help people in rehab after a joint replacement. Water exercise is often done as part of a...
  • Rehabilitation (rehab) and/or physical therapy are the usual treatment for an Achilles tendon injury. For Achilles tendinopathy, physical therapy can decrease your pain. It can allow you to gradually return to your normal activities. For an Achilles tendon rupture, you can try a rehab program after surgery to repair the...
  • People with Down syndrome usually have some level of independence by the time they become adults. Different types of specialized therapies, counseling, and training can help them learn necessary skills and manage emotional issues. The common types of therapy and training include: Speech and language therapy. Children...
  • The purpose of physical therapy is to decrease your pain and help you slowly return to your normal activities. It may reduce pain in the soft tissues, such as your muscles, ligaments, and tendons. It may also improve function and build muscle strength. A physical therapist provides these treatments. Treatments may...
  • Physical therapy may help you when back pain makes it hard to move around and do everyday tasks. This treatment helps you move better and may relieve pain. It also helps improve or restore your fitness level and how well you function. The goal is to make daily tasks and activities easier. For example, physical therapy...
  • Discusses exercise, manual therapy, and education for chronic conditions like COPD or arthritis. Covers goals that include increasing flexibility, strength, and endurance. Covers what to expect.
  • Learn how home treatment and physical therapy can help you avoid surgery.
  • Therapy is used to help improve specific skills that are lost or damaged due to MS. MS can cause problems with muscle control and strength, vision, and balance. It can also affect your thinking. Your therapy needs may change over time as your symptoms change. There are many types of therapy that can help you function...
  • Pain is your body's way of warning you that something may be wrong. Pain can affect your emotions as well as your body. When pain lasts longer than 3 months, it is called chronic pain. There are many treatment options for chronic pain. They include exercise, behavioral therapy, physical therapy, medicines, and...
  • Physical activity is key to lifelong health and well-being. Children as young as preschool age benefit from exercise and fitness as much as adults do. Being active helps children and teens to: Feel stronger and have more energy to do all the things they like to do. Focus better at school and perform better in sports...
  • Learn about how to get medical care as a senior. This page includes information about how to choose a doctor, how to make an appointment, and how to get reimbursed for your care.
  • A young woman sought help for what she thought was a work-related injury, but learned she needed chemotherapy to treat a form of blood cancer.
  • It's never too late to start getting active. Being fit is important for everyone. You can benefit from physical activity even if you already have conditions such as arthritis or heart disease. Being more active will help you feel better. And it may even help you live longer. If you haven't been active for a long time...
  • Staying healthy physically, mentally, and emotionally is vital to surviving cancer. Kaiser Permanente cares for the whole you at every step of recovery.
  • Postpartum depression can last a year or more if untreated. There's no one cause for it, but physical, hormonal, and emotional changes all play a role.
  • Emotional well-being is as important as physical health in pregnancy and postpartum. Find resources to help you cope with depression, anxiety, and more.
  • At our school of medicine, future doctors learn that to better treat patients they need to focus on their own physical and mental health.
  • After experiencing a stroke, K-9 handler Lameka Bell regained near-total speech functionality through speech therapy at Kaiser Permanente.
  • Kaiser Permanente offers many high-quality, convenient options to help members get relief from chronic pain, injuries, and common aches and pains.​
  • Rehabilitation (rehab) is needed after most ACL injuries, with or without surgery. It'll help you regain normal range of motion and flexibility in your knee. Rehab programs also strengthen the knee and the muscles around it, leading to better knee stability. Your doctor or physical therapist will design a rehab program...
  • Covers why physical activity is important for children with disabilities. Outlines benefits and the barriers that get in the way. Offers tips for motivating children.
  • Painful knee arthritis can keep you from being as active as you need to be. You may not walk as much. You may avoid going up and down stairs. But when you don't move that knee as much, the ligaments, tendons, and muscles around it can shorten and get weaker. Movement also pumps fluid in and out of the joint space, which...
  • Temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) are problems with the muscles and joints that connect your jaw to your skull. The disorders cause pain when you talk, chew, swallow, or yawn. You may feel this pain on one or both sides. TMDs are often caused by tight jaw muscles. The tightness can be caused by clenching or grinding...
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