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  • Massage Therapy
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What's covered and do you need a referral?
Go to Health plan coverage and cost information, and click on Coverage documents. View your Coverage Agreement to see if your health plan covers massage therapy and if you need a referral.

If your plan doesn't cover massage therapy, or if you have used all your covered benefits, our ChooseHealthy™ Program offers reduced rates on massage therapy with contracted providers.

How many visits do you have left?
Go to Health plan coverage and cost information, and click on Benefits usage. Select Rehab Therapy Services in the benefit type dropdown to see how many visits you have left.

Find a massage therapist
Go to the Provider Directory and search for massage therapy.

  • A family member or friend could give you a massage. Or you could get a professional massage. In either case, there are things you can do to help make sure that the massage is safe. If you get a professional massage, tell your massage therapist that you are pregnant. Be sure that your massage therapist has special...
  • Massage is rubbing the soft tissues of the body, such as the muscles. Therapists usually apply pressure with their hands but sometimes with the forearms, elbows, and feet. There are at least 80 types of massage. Some are gentle. Some are intense. Types of massage There are at least 80 different types of massage. Some...
  • Many caregivers use infant massage to relax and promote the emotional bond with their baby. It can help relax your baby, prevent crying, and soothe and comfort your crying baby. Many hospitals and child care centers provide classes on infant massage. Massage methods vary, but general recommendations stress finding the...
  • A shoulder and neck massage can help you relax, reduce muscle tension, and reduce stress. You will need a friend to exchange massages. Use these steps to give your friend a shoulder and neck massage. Have your friend sit straight but comfortably in a chair. Place your hands on your friend's shoulders. Knead the two...
  • Ice can help decrease pain, swelling, and inflammation that can result from injury and from some conditions such as arthritis. Ice massage is a quick and easy way to get the benefits of ice. You can use an ice cube, but it's easier to use an "ice cup" for ice massage. To make an ice cup, fill a small paper or foam cup...
  • Learn an easy way to give yourself a back massage using a tennis ball.
  • Learn about acupuncture and massage for back pain.
  • Discusses complementary medicine of bodywork and manual therapy used for relaxation and pain relief. Includes massage, Alexander technique, Feldenkrais method, Trager approach, Rolfing, deep tissue massage, and dance. Covers safety.
  • Massage is something many people use for back pain. And you can do it yourself with a tennis ball. To help you relax, you could take a hot bath or shower first, or do a few stretches. But that's up to you. Lie on your back. Keep your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Put the tennis ball against your back...
  • Manual therapy (sometimes called bodywork) is a general term for treatment performed mostly with the hands. The goals of manual therapy include relaxation, decreased pain, and increased flexibility. Manual therapy can include: Massage. Pressure is applied to the soft tissues of the body, such as the muscles. Massage can...
  • During childbirth, the perineum stretches and often tears. The perineum is the muscle and tissue between the anus and the vagina. One step you could take that might help prevent tearing is to stretch and massage the perineum for a few weeks before your due date. Studies show that some people who did regular perineal...
  • Manual therapy is a general term for treatment done mostly with the hands. The goals of manual therapy include relaxation, less pain, and more flexibility. Manual therapy can include: Massage. Pressure is applied to the soft tissues of the body, such as the muscles. Massage can help relax muscles, increase circulation...
  • Covers ayurveda (ayurvedic medicine) from India. Discusses good health and prevention of illness with practices like massage, meditation, yoga, diet, and use of herbal remedies. Looks at three body components (doshas) known as Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha.
  • Discusses aromatherapy (essential oils therapy) to treat disease. Includes oils that are put on the skin or in bath water, sprayed, inhaled, or massaged. Looks at uses to relax, relieve stress, and treat illness. Covers safety.
  • Discusses system of medicine partly based on the idea that energy flows along pathways in the body called meridians. Covers acupuncture, acupressure, Chinese herbs, cupping, diet, and massage. Covers safety and side effects.
  • Naturopathic doctors often combine different therapies—such as massage, herbal medicine, or diet—to help the body heal itself and stay well. They may refer people to a medical doctor or specialist when needed. In some states, naturopathic doctors have the ability to prescribe medicines. A licensed naturopathic doctor...
  • Provides links on yoga, massage therapy, and dietary supplements. Also links to information on naturopathic medicine. Interactive links include stress management, muscle relaxation, and deciding whether to use complementary medicine.
  • A hangnail is the strip of skin that separates from the side of the cuticle. Simple home treatment can help prevent problems with hangnails. Do not pull at or bite off a hangnail. This may cause the skin to rip. Clip off the hangnail neatly with sharp, clean cuticle scissors. Massage hand lotion or cream into your...
  • Complementary medicine includes a wide range of therapies that some people use along with their standard medical care. Here are some common types. Bodywork. This includes massage therapy, reflexology, and spinal manipulation (like chiropractic therapy). Energy therapies. These include reiki, healing touch, and...
  • Heat and cold treatments can help with mild to moderate pain from cancer. Heat may relieve sore muscles. Cold may ease pain by numbing pain sensations. Try alternating heat and cold. After a heat or cold treatment, try some gentle massage for relaxation and pain relief. Talk to your doctor before you try either heat or...
  • Nondrug methods of relieving pain may be helpful for people who have fibromyalgia. These can include: Applying heating pads or taking warm baths or showers. Gentle massage of painful muscles. Regular exercise to help strengthen muscles, which will make them less likely to be injured. Nonprescription pain relievers are...
  • A challenge many expecting couples face is figuring out sex during pregnancy. Many women feel differently about their bodies and intimacy when pregnant.
  • Keeping a headache diary may help you understand what types of headaches you get and what treatment works best for you. You also may be able to find out what your headache triggers are, such as certain foods, stress, sleep problems, or physical activity. Take your headache diary to your doctor. Together you can look at...
  • Our nurses are leaders, clinicians, and patient advocates. They transform care and improve health for our members and communities.
  • What is an episiotomy? An episiotomy (say "eh-pih-zee-AH-tuh-mee") is a cut, or incision, made in the perineum during childbirth. The perineum is the tissue between the vagina and anus. The cut may be done to help deliver the baby or to help prevent the muscles and skin from tearing. The cut is made just before the...
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